Going into first round Chris had the number 1 qualifying position. He wound up having a bye run, so he took a nice and easy stroll down the track. Second round Chris was up against Cesar Olin. Chris won the round with a 8.89 @ 171.
After a bit of a rain delay, Chris pulled into the final run against the TD Autowerks car driven by Josue Echevarria. The TD car had recently broken into the 8s and had an 8 second pass in qualifying rounds. We were eager to see a close race and possibly the first side by side 8 second pass. Although we didn't get to see two 8 second passes at once, it was a great run for both teams, with Chris taking the win with a 8.61 @ 172.
We would like to thank John Brown and the NSCRA along with Jason Miller and the entire staff of Maryland International Raceway for putting on a great event. As always we would like to thank Drive Shaft Shop, Precision Turbo, Spec Clutch, AEM, AVID and our crew (Paul, Greg, Ehren and Tom). Also, big thanks to GRS-motorsports for the excellent and quick coverage. We'd like to extend a big congratulations to all the winners in the classes.
And on a bit more serious note, we know the weather probably kept many people away, but in order for our sport to really thrive we need people in the stands and racers in the lanes! SUPPORT OUR SPORT! Come to the events!